Follow the U17 USA Team from "Team Mom's" Perspective
by Vicky Showalter, coach's wife

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Military Base and Scrimmage

Our schedule for today:

The players, coaches and USA staff spent the morning watching film and in team meetings.  The women of our group went to the Souq (indoor/outdoor bazaar) for the morning.  Assistant coaches' wives Lori and Jana, USA Basketball team leader's wife Pauline and trainer's wife Cheryl are a part of the group this year in traveling to the world championship.  We had a great morning shopping and seeing this part of the culture of Qatar.

At the Souq


Pauline Johnson, Vicky Showalter, Cheryl Craig,
Jana Goolsby, and Lori Flannery

He was sewing gold thread onto a traditional robe.


Lots of scarfs and table runners


A highlight of our day was a military base visit to Al Udeid Air Base.  We each had to be cleared earlier to be allowed on the base and went through security when we arrived.  Qatar is home to USA's biggest military base in the Middle East.  Our guide told us that there are approximately 9000 soldiers here at the base.

Unloading the bus at the base.

The gym on the base

Players autographed items for the base. 

Some of our players and some base men participated in a
3 point shootout.  

Warming up

Meeting some of the troops

Henry's ready for the shootout.
Jayson Tatum was the shootout winner!

We were treated to lunch on the base.

Players waiting at the grill

Trainer David Craig and his wife Cheryl at lunch.
As we were bused around the base we saw the planes (which we were not allowed to take pictures of), the barracks, and bunkers.  This base is the desert and it was hot and sandy.


Our team with the people who assisted our tour.


USA played with enthusiasm and intensity and beat the Qatar pros 65 - 89.

A walk back to the hotel and dinner at the usual Flying Carpet Restaurant ended our day.

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