Follow the U17 USA Team from "Team Mom's" Perspective
by Vicky Showalter, coach's wife

Friday, August 8, 2014

Game 2: USA vs Angola

Schedule for today:
Breakfast, pre game meal, film session and departing for the 4:30 game!  Our game today is at Al-Ahli arena, a different arena than last night.   Team USA is ready to take on Angola who beat the Philippines 82-72 yesterday.

The players read through and then each signed a document (2013-2014 Developmental National Team Gold Standards) in their pre-game meeting. They each signed their own document and past it around to get each teammates signature.  We are a TEAM.  Number 15 is PRIDE - We are the best team in the world and we represent the best country. 

Caleb reading the Gold Standards

Harry and Ivan signing the document.

V.J., Tyus and Henry signing their document
GAME 2:  USA 99 - ANGOLA 56

Hanging out at the arena waiting for the locker room.
Jayson, Harry, and Henry

Introduction - Terrence and Caleb

The National Anthem

White uniforms today

Defense by Harry and Jayson
Bench support by Tyus, Caleb, Terrence and Devearl.

After rehabbing his ankle for a couple weeks, Ivan is
anxious to get in his first game!

Harry dunks the ball and it is a crowd pleaser.
Terrence, Devearl and V.J. ready to check in 
Tyus shooting the free throws from an
unsportsman-like foul against Angola.
Way to go Team USA!  Game 2 in the W column.

After the game a group of US soldiers asked for
a picture with our team.

The wives of coaches and staff with TEAM USA!
We heard that we made it on ESPN several times.

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