Follow the U17 USA Team from "Team Mom's" Perspective
by Vicky Showalter, coach's wife

Sunday, August 10, 2014

No Game Today - Desert Safari

Today is a day off from games.  We've played two in our pool and will play the last one in our pool on Monday.  Our schedule today includes breakfast, film session, team stretching, relaxing, and a desert SAFARI!  The players have a participant dinner later.

What a ride!!  I can't even begin to describe the desert safari.   The land rovers picked us up at the hotel.  When we got to the sand dunes location we all got out because they needed to let some of the air out of the tires and then we were ready to go.  We raced through the desert up and over the sand dunes skidding and sliding!  Some of us faired better than others.  We stopped about half way for a break in the middle of desert dunes for pictures and to collect our stomachs.  Then off again!!

Three coaches and a camel!

Now we are ready for the safari!
Head turbines for most

Yep, we raced up, over and around dunes like this!
It was like a roller coaster but in the land rover on no particular path.
Add in sliding and skidding with sand blowing over the wind shield.
The Showalters in the desert

Three coaches' wives and the dunes
Harry, Jayson and V.J.  

Trainer David and Cheryl Craig,
Samson Kayode, USA film & support person, and V. J.
I rode with Samson and he hooted through the whole ride!
Doc Parris enjoying the day!

Henry running after his hat!

My slanted view from inside the land rover
as we are zooming through the desert!

The team and some of the adults headed back to the hotel after the desert safari to attend a Participant Dinner.  Six of us stayed for the rest of the evening which included a desert BBQ at a camp, 4-wheeling, camel rides, hyena painting, and entertainment.  What an incredible day!

The Showalters on the front camel.
Coach Goolsby on the 4-wheeler

The desert camp for the BBQ and entertainment.

The Craigs, Showalters and Goolsbys enjoyed the evening.

The players and staff that went to the participant dinner reported that they had delicious food and similar cultural entertainment.  Some came back dressed in the traditional outfit!

Devearl modeling the thobe

What an amazing day with an amazing group of people!  It was one of those "once in a life time experiences".  

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