Follow the U17 USA Team from "Team Mom's" Perspective
by Vicky Showalter, coach's wife

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Day Off From Games

Today is a "no game day" before we head into the final three days of games.  The players watched film of China's game to prepare for our game tomorrow with them.  We practiced in the Hamdan Sports Complex where the remaining games will be held.  

Today's schedule

The training/film room
David Craig working on Ivan's ankle

V.J. and Harry with Samson (thanks Sam for your expertise
with our films!) ready for the meeting/film watching

Henry and Caleb writing the "mind candy" in their notebooks.
Mind candy today - Stay humble and stay hungry - there's always
someone better and theres always room for improvement.

Team USA is on the 10th floor.
Diamond and Malik across the atrium

View down from the 10th floor.

Josh at lunch time.
Pasta & sauces, chicken, fish, beef stew are usually available
with lettuces & fresh veggies, rice, potatoes, french fries,
and numerous desserts and fruits.

Terrence with rice, broccoli and beef from the stew.

New meaning of french fries to go as Malik wraps his
remaining fries in the napkin before catching the bus.
The front of our hotel - City Seasons Dubai

30 minute bus ride to practice today

The Hamdan Sports Complex

It is a swimming & diving complex.

They put the gym floor down over the pools.

BJ sweeping the floor - he does whatever needs to be done!
Samson rebounding for the players.

Intense practice preparing for China

Coach Goolsby working with the "bigs"
Coach Flannery working the guards/perimeters

The view of practice from the third level in the arena.

Video from practice

We departed the hotel in our bus for Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building.  We had a tour guide explain a bit about the tower and then we went up to floor 124 (out of 163) for the inside and outside observation decks.  The Shake Shack was the restaurant of choice for the players at the Dubai Mall, the largest mall in the Middle East.  The Burj Khalifa is beside the mall and we watched the fountain show with the Burj (tower) in the background.

Burj Khalifa

Tour guide with our group

At the top!

View down on the city from floor 124.

V. J.

and Tyus posing for photos.

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