Follow the U17 USA Team from "Team Mom's" Perspective
by Vicky Showalter, coach's wife

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Last Day in Qatar & Army Base

Our schedule today includes a practice at the Aspire Dome, an army base visit to As Sayliyah Camp and a flight to Dubai.

ARMY BASE VISIT to As Sayliyah Camp
We had a great visit to the army base this afternoon!  After clearing security which seemed even more rigorous than yesterday at the air force base we were treated like honored guests.  First stop was the cafeteria where we were treated to lunch and a welcome.  Surf and turf were on the menu for us and boy, oh boy did the players LOVE the crab legs.  Each was presented with a plague thanking us for our contribution to enhancing the morale and the personnel.

The welcome

What a great lunch!
Steak, crab legs, corn, beans, salads, dessert!

Massive amounts of crab legs were consumed!

Diamond ENJOYED the crab legs!

Everyone received an appreciation plaque

Josh receiving his plaque

Presentation of the plaque to Coach Showalter

After lunch the players interacted with the soldiers and autographed team pictures.  Many soldiers requested photos with them.

Signing the banner
The players walked to the gym on the base and put up a few shots.  They were each given a camouflage hat.

The camera comes out and the players all pose!
Diamond and Malik

Diamond, Josh and Malik

Terrence and Devearl
Gotta love these guys!!

We have all enjoyed our stay in Qatar and staying at The Torch Doha Hotel!  The convenience of being able to walk over to the Aspire Dome for practice and scrimmage was great.  The hotel was fabulous and we all enjoyed controlling the lights, curtains, tv, and about anything else in the room from the room's iPad.  The buffet at the Flying Carpet Restaurant was delicious and had something for everyone's taste.

The lobby area at The Torch Doha Hotel
View from the 47th floor of our hotel.
Tall buildings in the background are downtown Doha.

Looking down on the Aspire Dome
where the team practiced and scrimmaged.

Doha, Qatar neighborhood

Team members signed a ball for the hotel staff.

Team USA posing on the lobby steps with the
manager of The Torch Doha Hotel
Packed up and ready to head to Dubai!

On the bus ride to the airport we saw many mosques.
Our hotel transported all our bags to the airport.

Checking in for the short flight to Dubai!
Dubai here we come!  We are ready for the U17 World Championship!

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